Markus Kreutzer


Transformative Research Communications: A Guide to Increase the Transformative Impact of Social-Ecological Systems Research

Planning Guide

Designerly Reproduction

Theoretical Intervention

Life Possibilities for People with Individual Needs

Socio-Technical Concept

(De)Constructing Designerly Visions: Transformative Learning in the Design Process

University Course

The Role of Future Imaginaries to Design for Societal Transformations

Strategy Blueprint

OpenDataCam: A Tool to Measure the Effectiveness of Urban Interventions

Digital Tool

Visions of Openness: The Diverse Perspectives on Openness for Designing Open Systems

Conceptual Differentiation


Markus Kreutzer is a designer focused on creating possibilities for systemic transformation. He is a research associate at the Urban Complexity Lab at FH Potsdam and a lecturer in the MA in Strategic Design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Most of his work engages with the intersection between social, technological and ecological transformation. By exploring alternative pathways to current trajectories he aims to create discourse, enable negotiation and facilitate action. Markus is specifically interested in the role of human imagination for individual and collective behaviors. He communicates most of his projects as web publications.

Some organizations Markus worked with include the Stockholm Resilience Centre, moovel lab, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Domestic Data Streamers, Emerging City Lab Addis Ababa and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has a MA in Futures Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin and a BA in Communications Design from the HTW Berlin.